Sweet Peet Calculator

Sweet Peet Mulch Calculator Length (in feet): Width (in feet): Depth (in inches): Calculate  


Having grown weary of the adage that “Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery” Salem [...]

Sweet Peet Mulch Calculator

Sweet Peet Mulch Calculator Length (in feet): Width (in feet): Depth (in inches): Calculate

Borders & Perennials

Keep those colorful perennials looking beautiful all season long. Sweet Peet® mulch helps nourish plants [...]

Acid Rain Protection

Spread Sweet Peet® as a mulch around the base of trees and shrubs to a [...]

The Forest Floor

It was Grandma Wilson who first made us aware of the black treasure lying in [...]

Wright and Beth Dykeman

We operate a vegetable farm and have used Sweet Peet® on our land for the [...]

Brad Cooper

Busy as I am, I wanted to drop a quick note to say that Sweet [...]